Be The CEO
Grab this FREE, one page plan to help you make the mindset shift from day to day operations to CEO.
You need this if you spend most of your days answering email, managing social media, working with clients, sales calls, and lead generation. When your main focus is on day to day operations, the result is what I call “Failure To CEO syndrome”, which is keeping you from your breakthrough growth and success.
The Biz Buddy Bench
You may not be certain what you need but you know you need something. You feel overwhelmed, business is slow and you’re stuck like a deer in headlights. No worries, I got your back and a bench! Grab a seat and let’s talk about it.
Word on the street
Karyn is a master at solving complex, real-life cubed problems. She finds freedom in simplification.
Thank you for bringing my vision to life. You ROCK!
You changed my conversation from “life isn’t going right” to “I don’t have any more excuses, I can do this.”
Meet Karyn
I’m Karyn Buggs. My friends call me Kaybee.
I have an amazingly handsome husband and 2 incredible adult children. I am a God girl, a family woman and an optimist. I am an ENTJ on the Myers-Briggs Personality Profile. If you don’t know what that is, click here to find out. My favorite food is salmon, color orange and season Autumn/Fall. I was born November 2, don’t mind telling my age and I am very transparent.
I’m a talented and skillful accountant with an extensive background in various business industries. I help entrepreneurs break down, understand and analyze their business financial numbers so they can use them for growth and to identify gaps and challenges before they arise.
A businesses numbers tell the narrative of where they’ve been and where they’re headed. I’m a firm believer that numbers don’t lie. I want to help you create the narrative you want to be known for.
Need help? Let’s chat!